Echidna Mania!
Anyone who has cared for echidnas knows the challenge of keeping them contained. They have the strength to break out of any normal pet carrier or normal plastic tub, they can open doors, climb walls, move furniture, remove heavy wire bars on heavy duty crates, and make holes in any walls they choose to pass through that appear as a barrier. Echidnas have amazing strength in their forelimbs, used for digging down into any substrate they are in. One of the normal method of rehabilitation enclosure is an industrial strength tub with slippery walls that is just high enough that they cannot reach the top edge to get a foot hold. So.... two echidnas came to stay at Wild Days for a while, both having been hit by cars. One in particular was a bit more feisty and not so happy about being here. The first days here, in quarantine, he destroyed quite a few containers, taking lids off, opening doors etc, to make his way through the house, moving anything he was not so keen about walking around. We thought some company may do the trick. Into the big tub with a friend. The tub had a heavy wired lid, all the food and water he could want and substrate to keep himself amuzed during recovery. Next day, there he is in the kitchen. Back you go. Next day, there he is in the foyer. Back you go. How are you getting out? You are not tall enough to reach the top of the tub, and the walls are too smooth for you to climb. Ok, so secure the lid more, close more doors, more food. Next day, everyone happy. No... the following day, back out wandering the hallway. How is he doing it? Finally, when hearing a bit of noise going on, I went to investigate and caught him! Haaa. Caught in the act! An accomplice. His mate was giving him a leg up so he could reach the top. Such an innocent face. Animals never cease to amaze me, so smart. 10 points to the echidna duo. Happily they will both be ok to be released soon. Happy days at Wild Days. |